Scientific Missions

Short and intense moments of collaboration among participants and institutions

Call for applications for
Short-Term Scientific Missions
Call No. 5

Herewith the Cost Action 18207 Bottoms-Up announces its 2024 call for applications for “Short-Term Scientific Missions” (STSMs). STSMs can take place between 7th January and 15th March 2024. Please note that dates are flexible, the duration of the mission will vary individually, according to the agreement between the guest scientist and the host institution. All STSM activities must occur in their entirety within the dates specified above.


Purpose of STSM

To foster cross-country exchange between scientific institutions and organizations with the aim of learning new methods. In particular, the STSM has to advance knowledge related to the topic of the Cost Action 18207 “Biodiversity Of Temperate forest Taxa Orienting Management Sustainability by Unifying Perspectives”. The Action created a platform for forest multi-taxonomic and structural data that currently encompasses more than 3,000 plots across 12 European countries. STSMs will be selected especially towards the specific objectives of the Action including:

  • Assessing the relationships between multi-taxon biodiversity, structure and management;
  • Evaluating indicators and thresholds of sustainability directly tested on biodiversity;
  • Developing management guidelines defining sustainable management to be applied in forest certification and within protected areas.

The STSMs’ results will integrate the platform finalization and enhance its impact. Further ideas are encouraged to take current projects into account (an overview of the Action can be found here).


Our offer

The work carried out toward the above-mentioned topics will allow the applicant insights into cutting edge science and to be included in the platform consortium, with the possibility of being involved in the platform publications. The applicants will also have the opportunity to propose analyses and manuscripts to be developed with the database.


Financial support

The following conditions apply:

  • A maximum amount of 2 500 Euros can be requested and deducted, this amount raises to 3 500 Euros for researchers having received their PhD less than 8 years ago with a mission length of more than 3 months.
  • The rules of the COST Vademecum apply [Link]. Please read the document carefully in advance and acknowledge in your application that you strictly follow it.

Financial support is limited to cover travel expenses, accommodation, meal expenses on a per day (160 Euros) basis and is paid in the form of a grant. The amounts granted for each individual STSM will be determined during the evaluation process by the STSM panel. The selection is based on the scientific scope of the application, which must clearly contribute to the topics suggested above or listed on the Bottoms-Up webpage.



Who can apply

Researchers from one of participating Cost countries. Desired host institutions are provided under suggested topics or can be lead authors of ongoing projects listed on the Bottoms-Up webpage.


How to apply

The applicant starts an STSM application by logging into e-COST: and clicking on the STSM application tab.

Scientific Missions 2023

The application must contain the following documents:

  • A letter of motivation, including a scientific research proposal for the envisioned activities at the host institution. A clear link to the suggested topics or ongoing projects of the Cost Action is required (maximum of 3 pages).
  • A specific time frame, including quarantine measures if applicable and a “plan B” in case of change of regulations (after submission of the application) which do not permit travelling in person to the host institution (maximum of 2 pages).
  • A letter of support from the home institution.
  • A letter of invitation from the host institution, including a confirmation that “plan B” is approved.
  • A brief CV (maximum 2 pages) with a list of publications.
  • List of estimated costs for the requested STSM.



Applications will be reviewed on an incoming basis, latest two weeks after submission with a decision provided latest three weeks after submission. The call will be open between 20th November and 15th December 2023, allowing the earliest STSM to start on 7th January 2024.



The STSM panel will judge applications based on their scientific quality, feasibility, diversity of contributions to the Cost Action and diversity of applicants. Applications from Early Career Investigators (ECI, maximum 8 years after receiving the PhD) and Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) are especially encouraged.



Latest 30 days after the end date of the STSM (but anyway until 31st March 2024), the successful applicant must submit a scientific report to the host institution, the STSM coordinator (Silvana Munzi) and the Action Chair (Sabina Burrascano). The scientific report must cover a statement of how the project aims were achieved, a description of the work carried out and the outcome/results as well as expected publications that may arise from the STSM (if applicable). The applicant is also responsible for acquiring an official acceptance letter or email confirmation of acceptance from a senior researcher affiliated to the host institution formally accepting the scientific report. This formal acceptance of the scientific report must be sent to the Grant Holder (Sabina Burrascano) and the STSM coordinator (Silvana Munzi) for archiving purposes. Failure to submit the scientific report within the deadline will cancel the grant. (Please note that the COST Association can request additional information to substantiate the information contained within the documents submitted by STSM applicants).


Contact information

If you do have specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact:

Sabina Burrascano (STSM host & action chair), Email:
Francesco Chianucci (STSM host, training school coordinator), Email:
Silvana Munzi (STSM coordinator), Email:



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Contact Info

COST - CA18207

This symposium is based upon work from COST Action BOTTOMS-UP, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)  
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.  
COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Horizon 2020

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